Wednesday, August 28, 2013


The Middle-East is in crisis...again. I know it is somewhat less than attention grabbing when a part of the world that is always in turmoil, is once again...ah, well in turmoil. Whatever your view on the US getting involved, if you are a Christian you should be praying. All over that part of the world, Christians are being pushed out, attacked, or falsely accused of all sorts of evil things. Sadly the US government no longer acts on behalf of the faithful with any regularity. Russia is more aware of the pressure being applied to the various Orthodox groups and seems to be trying to help. Obviously, we cannot count on any worldly power defending God's people but we as the Church must help! 
I cannot believe that in this post- Christian, deceived and perverted age, the body of Christ can remain fragmented. I don't mean to suggest that we all bend a knee to the Pope or that denominations are bad. Remembering that we are the body of Jesus perhaps we can expand the concept of the various parts of the body from individuals, to churches, denominations, etc. I am not a Roman Catholic and do not accept many of their teachings but they are my brothers and sisters in Christ. So are the Egyptian Coptics, the Russian, Antiocian, and Greek Orthodox. I am not a Baptist or a Methodist and I do not accept many of their teachings, but again, they are my family because they love Jesus. I am praying for our brothers and sisters suffering in the "Holy Lands" right now. The world needs the Church even though it doesn't want to admit it and our call is to bring the light of Christ into it, so pray and help as you can!