Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It's kinda lonely in here

It's been a long while since I wrote anything here and as I'm the only one who reads this blog, it doesn't really matter. We have returned to Messianic Judaism and are preparing to launch Beth Mayim Chayim in October. Three years ago our oldest son and worship leader moved from our home of twenty five years, Virginia into the heat of San Tan Valley. We followed after much prayer and fasting in part because the area is crying out for ministry and in part to keep near our three grandkids. This entailed leaving a very good position with Northrop Grumman and my wife leaving Marian Manor in Virginia Beach, a place with patients that she loved dearly. Now three years later our son is no longer interested in helping with this ministry and we are often quite alone. Not what I had expected. We have friends who are wth us as we try and birth this ministry and we are grateful for them, but our family is distant and completely uninvolved.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Church Planting in San Tan Valley

We invite you all to a general information get together at our home. We are preparing for the launch of San Tan Valley Community Church, a new, convergence church blending the evangelical, charismatic and sacramental into one as led by the Spirit. Mark on your calender May 31, 2014 at 11:30AM. We will provide food and drink, and should be done by 1:00 PM.

Monday, September 2, 2013

That time of year again...

For those of us who pay attention to these sort of things, the High Holy Days are almost upon us again. No not Easter or Christmas, although I still haven't done any Christmas shopping and that is right around the corner but I digress... The feast of trumpets is in a couple of days, followed by the 10 days of awe and Yom Kippur. For observant Jews, the 10 days of awe are a time of introspection, repentance and"fence mending" with friends and family. It is a time of recognizing how far off of God's path you have wandered and doing what you can to get back on it. All this because when the books are opened in heaven on Yom Kippur, and your name isn't in the book of life there could literally be hell to pay!

I am reminded of Matthew 5:23. Jesus tells us if we come to make a sacrifice, and at the altar remember a brother has something against us to leave the sacrifice and go and make things right. Afterwards, return and make your offering. The idea of repentance is taught in most churches as a fundamental necessity for salvation. The idea of reconciliation with one another maybe no so much. Jesus said that the world would know we are His by our love for one another. Rick Warren wrote in the Purpose Driven Church, that most believers can quote John 3:16, but they can't quote 1 John 3:16 "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." Do you feel that level of commitment to your brothers and sisters in Christ? What keeps you from it? Maybe this is the time of year for us to make things right. I can think of a few people I need to talk to this week. Pride really burns all the way down when you swallow it!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


The Middle-East is in crisis...again. I know it is somewhat less than attention grabbing when a part of the world that is always in turmoil, is once again...ah, well in turmoil. Whatever your view on the US getting involved, if you are a Christian you should be praying. All over that part of the world, Christians are being pushed out, attacked, or falsely accused of all sorts of evil things. Sadly the US government no longer acts on behalf of the faithful with any regularity. Russia is more aware of the pressure being applied to the various Orthodox groups and seems to be trying to help. Obviously, we cannot count on any worldly power defending God's people but we as the Church must help! 
I cannot believe that in this post- Christian, deceived and perverted age, the body of Christ can remain fragmented. I don't mean to suggest that we all bend a knee to the Pope or that denominations are bad. Remembering that we are the body of Jesus perhaps we can expand the concept of the various parts of the body from individuals, to churches, denominations, etc. I am not a Roman Catholic and do not accept many of their teachings but they are my brothers and sisters in Christ. So are the Egyptian Coptics, the Russian, Antiocian, and Greek Orthodox. I am not a Baptist or a Methodist and I do not accept many of their teachings, but again, they are my family because they love Jesus. I am praying for our brothers and sisters suffering in the "Holy Lands" right now. The world needs the Church even though it doesn't want to admit it and our call is to bring the light of Christ into it, so pray and help as you can!

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Bell is Tolling...and you know who for!

I just sat through the latest "comic book" movie, Batman the Dark Knight Rises. In that movie as well as most other superhero films of late, the world is a mess. It's immoral, greedy, self-centered and just plain bad. Our leaders are liars and worse, they lie because they feel the need to protect us from the truth because we are just not as smart as them. Into this mess a villan arrives to wreak havoc and punish the world for its depravity. Of course a hero, or heros show up and in the end victory is won and the world is free to sink back into its yuck.
After the movie ended, my lovely wife and I sat and quietly tried to think of something to say that didn't sound crazy. Indra broke the silence by saying she needed to visit the restroom and wash the dirty feeling left by the film off. The next morning as I looked at the news I saw the world portrayed in the film. Families murdering each other, random attacks killing people minding their own buisness and plans for more just thwarted in time. I see people so overwhelmed by the violence and corruption that they are willing to pretend that the government is not just as bad, and sell their freedom for safety. In the end the evil around us seems to win by default.
With some time for prayer and reflection it occurred to me that I had been responding to the decline of our society like the folks in the movies. If we can just elect the right leaders things will be better, right? We just need to get Captain America in office and then we will be, to sink back into the yuck. A super hero to stop the bad guys and bring back our way of life, but our way of life is often about being greedy, self-centered and just plain bad!
I was convicted in a big way that the only hope was people discovering real Love. Jesus said the world would know we belonged to Him because of the love we have for one another. He did not say our doctrine, buildings, vestments or willingness to lie about the Truth would be the answer. Love is why Jesus came here and died on the cross. Love is why on the third day God overcame death and completed the pathway home through the resurrection.
I know that many in this world react to love with a laugh or a punch. Yet many react to love with a changed heart and life. The Church is this worlds superhero. Imperfect, confused and often unwilling to fulfill its call, it is the hero that saves the world anyway. This hero doesn't let the world sink back into its yuck, but prepares it for the coming of the One who really will bring victory. I know that all of us in the Church need to step over the man made divisions of denomination, race, and culture to do what we were made to do. Let's save the world!